June Newsletter 2012
Keep Your Home Safe While on Summer Vacation

- Remember to arm your system to Away Mode so the motion sensors will be turned on and ensure all doors, windows, and garage doors are locked and secured before leaving on vacation.
- Be sure to notify ADT with your emergency contact information while you are gone and make sure you have your ADT phone number programmed into your cell phone before you leave.
- By having ADT signs posted prominently is the first step in defense, however it is important to create an illusion that someone is home by using timers to have lights come on and off.
- Have a friend or neighbor pick up your mail on a regular basis so it doesn’t appear you are not there.
- Manicure shrubs and bushes close to windows because a burglar could potentially hide there.
- Thieves generally look for extra keys hidden under mats, rocks, or above doorways so make sure not to leave any while you are gone.
- Don’t forget to close blinds and drapes so you don’t advertise any expensive equipment to protect your investments.
- If you can, install motion sensor lights on your property close to doors and windows, this keeps thieves in plain site.
- If you have a sliding glass door and it doesn’t have double locks, use a bar the full length of the track to prevent a break-in.
- It is not a good idea to leave any notes on your front door, this definitely says “I’m not home”.
- It is always good to store your most treasured valuables in a security deposit box away from your home.
- Lastly, make sure you tell your neighbors that you are going to be away and make sure they have a number to reach you in case of an emergency!