"Once upon a time,we kept our porch lights on,
We opened the door even if we didn’t know who rang the bell,
And we could always leave the back door unlocked during the day."
While this might not be the current reality for most Californians, the National Association of Town Watch or NATW, wants to do something about that. By creating and promoting annual National Night Out events all over the country, together with community efforts, crime in many areas is on the decline.
NATW is a network of law enforcement agencies, neighborhood watch groups, civic groups, state and regional crime prevention associations and concerned citizens. Through that network, NATW was able to launch the annual National Night Out campaign.
National Association of Town Watch is the nation’s premiere non-profit crime prevention organization dedicated to the development and promotion of crime prevention in communities across the nation.
What is National Night Out?
National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods a safer, better place to live. Together, we are making that happen.
Events are planned with the goal of enhancing the relationship between neighbors and their local law enforcement agencies while bringing back a sense of community. It's a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.
See the map of neighborhoods hosting events this year, here.
At your communities event, you can also expect to learn tips about all kinds of security; Daily personal security, kid safety, safety for the businesses in the area and home security. If you are looking for more information on a home security alarm for you home, click below to have a security consultant come out to your home for a no obligation security review.
What Can You Expect From National Night out?
Anyone can plan a Night Out event. Many neighborhoods throw block parties with games and food. There are also festivals, parades, cookouts and other various community events with safety demonstrations, seminars, youth events, visits from emergency personnel and exhibits.You might even get to dunk a local officer in a dunk tank.
All events offer you a chance to get to know your local law enforcement as people off the job and build working relationships within your community. Law enforcement officers have received some negative publicity along with the good recently. Building a relationship with your local officers allows increased understanding of everyone's role in the community and the opportunity discuss any local crime trends along with preventative measures the community can take.
With neighborhoods across the United States and Canada, you can be sure there is something to do. If it isn't being done near you, follow NATW on Facebook. so you can help plan your neighborhood's National Night Out 2016. Although the events are designed to be a great time for you and your family and your community, we here at California Security Pro would like to highlight this event as a great starting point to getting involved in your community if you are not already. simply knowing your neighbors and them knowing who you are increases neighborhood safety.
National Night Out is only one night, what about the other 364 days in a year?
- a park plagued by crime, drug dealers, underage drinking, etc.
- a poorly lit corner with prevalent crime activity.
- neighborhood watch group expansion in your community.
- robbery or burglary reduction plan in high crimes areas.
- clean up plan for a particular area that consists of various issues such as illegal trash piles, broken bottles, graffiti, abandoned vehicles, etc.
Editor's note: this blog was originally published July 22nd, 2015, it has been update to reflect this years dates.