ADT Security Pro - Home Security Blog

Taniqua Pino

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How can I upgrade my current ADT Home Security Alarm System?

Posted by Taniqua Pino on Mon,Jul 31,2023 @ 09:38 AM



Depending on how long you've had your ADT Home Security Alarm, you might be considering upgrading to a more modern system or adding some of the new and fancier features you see on TV  or in your friend's home. You might like to add ADT cameras or even home automation.

The great news is the company that first brought automation features to the mass markets is still the leader. ADT Pulse with home automation is the system of choice for millions of Americans, far surpassing any other home automation company.

ADT Pulse gives you remote home security from mobile devices and computers including being able to remotely check the status of your security system, mobile arm/disarm, text and email notifications of alarm and device events, cameras, thermostat control, lighting control, garage door control and automated door locks. The ADT Pulse platform has created an ecosystem allowing control of other smart home devices like the Nest thermostat or Ring Video Doorbell. 

If you would like to upgrade your existing security system to ADT Pulse, check out your options below.

This blog will cover these 4 upgrade options:

  1. Upgrade your existing home security system to the ADT Command
  2. Upgrading your current ADT monitored security system within the first two years of your initial installation.
  3. The benefits of upgrading after two years of being a monitored ADT customer.
  4. DIY (do it yourself) options for upgrading your ADT System.
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Tags: ADT Pulse Security System, ADT Home Security Systems

How To Set Up

Posted by Taniqua Pino on Sun,Jul 02,2023 @ 10:45 PM




One of the first things you will want to do after protecting your family with an ADT Home Security system or an ADT Pulse alarm system is to do a quick set up of your account. It takes 5 simple steps to complete. Your on-line account and the app allow you to manage your ADT accounting issues whenever you feel like it and without having to call into the office. With you can:

  • Manage verbal security passwords.
  • Add, edit and delete emergency contacts.
  • Go paperless.
  • View your alarm activity.
  • View and pay your bill or sign up and manage EasyPay.
  • Print certificates for insurance.
  • Order yard signs or decals.
  • Set travel reminders to update your emergency contacts.
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Tags: Mobile Home Security (Mobile Apps)

Halloween Safety Tips for Your Family

Posted by Taniqua Pino on Mon,Oct 30,2017 @ 10:30 AM

The Halloween countdown has begun!

With a month's worth of pumpkin carving, haunted houses and free candy, there's a lot of fun to be had for sure! Let's make sure that the worst thing to happen in your home this Halloween is a tummy ache.

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Tags: Safety Tips

Four Things to NOT do when your ADT Home Security System sounds.

Posted by Taniqua Pino on Thu,Aug 24,2017 @ 09:39 PM

Now that you've installed your ADT Home Security System, it's tempting to feel like you're Chuck Norris. No one will mess with you now and you can check security completely off the list... right? 

Well yes and no. Yes, you invested in a great deterrent and in the event that someone does still try to come in, a VERY loud siren will sound as a further deterent. 

The most brazen intruder will pause at the noise and realize that authorities are now being dispatched. And... after a bit, Norma, the neighbor whose nose is always way too far into your business, will have her nose in Berry The Burglar's business she'll call detective "Gets-his-man" with a license plate number, the color of his socks and a description of just how far below his bum his pants are. (Norma, we all love you when there's trouble. Keep up the good work!)

While my personal story warrants a good chuckle, I don't think my response is a-typical of what other might do. So read on, feel free to laugh heartily at me, and get a mental snapshot of what NOT to do when your alarm sounds at your home.

If you don't make my mistakes, and fully utilize the features of an alarm in a real emergency, it will help keep you and your loved ones safer.


How did I even figure out what NOT to do when the Alarm System Sounded?

 Well, what are spouses for if not to help us see how poorly we are capable of responding in different scenarios... 

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Tags: Safety Tips

Your Ultimate Checklist for Summer Vacation Safety

Posted by Taniqua Pino on Sun,Jul 09,2017 @ 10:05 PM

Home Security statistics show that burglaries skyrocketed during July and August. It's no coincidence July and August are also the months that more people take vacations than any other month. Beach Properties of Hilton Head offered up this Ultimate Checklist of things to do before leaving on vacation. We think they hit the nail on the head. As a home security company, it's a top goal to help you achieve peace-of-mind in every way we are able to.

Print this list and have the security of a well planned vacation.

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Tags: Safety Tips

Top 10 User Questions for Your DSC 1832 / 1864 Alarm Panel & System

Posted by Taniqua Pino on Sun,Jul 09,2017 @ 08:16 PM

The post will address the top 10 questions asked about a DSC 9057 panel.  This panel can be (or might have already been,) a part of you FREE ADT Security system.

For those who are having or have had a DSC 1832 installed, questions are bound to arise or re-arise later when you decide to use a feature you have not been using. Here are the top 10 questions and answers to help you comfortably navigate your new ADT investment. If you are looking for similar blogs for DSC 9057 panels it's coming soon! For the top 10 questions for a Honeywall Lynx Touch, click here.

Here’s the questions we’ll cover:

  1. How do I arm my system?
  2. How will I know it is armed?
  3. How do I arm with no delay or “instant?”
  4. How do I disarm my system?
  5. How do I turn chime on and off?
  6. How do I bypass a zone?
  7. How do I program additional user codes?
  8. Do I need to arm my ADT Smoke Detectors or ADT Carbon Monoxide Detectors.
  9. How do I view past events?
  10. Can I adjust the volume?

BONUS Question:

  • How often should I test my system?
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Tags: ADT Free Home Security System, ADT Security System

Top 10 Questions about the latest ADT Pulse App Update

Posted by Taniqua Pino on Tue,Jun 27,2017 @ 09:57 AM

Make sure to download the latest version of the ADT Pulse App. The newest version has a fresh new feel that is easier to navigate. Check out the top 10 questions and answers about this new release


1. What is different about the new version of the ADT Pulse App?

There are a couple of key differences in this version of the Pulse App:

  • New look and feel, with easier access to the features you need,
  • Improvements to app performance,
  • Tips and FAQs to help answer your questions,
  • Personalize your dashboard just the way you want it.

 See the video below to learn more.

Watch this video to learn more about the ADT Pulse 8.0 app.

As always, the app makes it easy to manage your system from anywhere and at anytime.  If you are new to the system or new to the app, you'll find it's super easy to use. Enter your Pulse user name and password that was set up for your on-line account and then select United States. You then can set up a pin to make logging in quicker in the future.

You will then be taken to your new customizable dashboard. You can set up the dashboard to see the things you want to see first. If you have ADT Pulse cameras, you can swipe and go through the different cameras right in your dashboard. 

The new version of the Pulse app gives you more ways to manage your home while on the go. The release did coincide with an update that caused some problems. Deleting the app and re-loading has resolved the issues in most cases.

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Tags: ADT Pulse Security System

Top 10 User Questions for Your DSC 9057 Alarm Panel & System

Posted by Taniqua Pino on Wed,Jun 14,2017 @ 02:12 PM

The post will address the top 10 questions asked about a DSC 9057 panel.  This panel can be (or might have already been,) a part of you FREE ADT Security system.

For those who are having or have had a DSC 9057 installed, questions are bound to arise or re-arise later when you decide to use a feature you have not been using. Here are the top 10 questions and answers to help you comfortably navigate your new ADT investment. If you are looking for similar blogs for DSC 1832/1864 panels it's coming soon! For the top 10 questions for a Honeywall Lynx Touch, click here.

Here’s the questions we’ll cover:

  1. How do I arm my system?
  2. How will I know it is armed?
  3. How do I arm with no delay or “instant?”
  4. How do I disarm my system?
  5. How do I turn chime on and off?
  6. How do I bypass a zone?
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Tags: ADT Free Home Security System, ADT Security System

Top 10 User Questions for Your Lynx Touch Alarm Panel & System

Posted by Taniqua Pino on Tue,Jun 13,2017 @ 07:03 AM

The latest panel to the Security Pro Group family is the Lynx Touch panel. This AMAZING panel can be (or might have already been,) a part of you FREE ADT Security system. 

For those who are having or have had a Lynx Panel installed, questions are bound to arise or re-arise later when you decide to use a feature you have not been using. Here are the top 10 questions and answers to help you comfortably navigate your new ADT investment. If you are looking for a similar blog for DSC 1832/1864 panels  it's coming soon! for the top 10 questions with aDSC 9057 panel, click here. 


Here’s the questions we’ll cover: 

  1. How do I arm my system?
  2. How will I know it is armed?
  3. How do I arm with no delay or “instant?”
  4. How do I disarm my system?
  5. How do I turn chime on and off?
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Tags: ADT Free Home Security System, ADT Home Security Systems

5 Ways ADT Pulse Offers Peace of Mind for Your Vacation Home... other than burglary protection

Posted by Taniqua Pino on Wed,May 24,2017 @ 11:37 PM

Spring has sprung and for many, it’s time to plan a getaway to the vacation home.

Vacation homes are safe havens where we escape the stresses of everyday life and rejuvenate our lives. Whether your vacation home is in the woods, near a lake or right in the middle of a city near loved ones, it’s that ideal haven you chose to recharge your battery at. 

While planning your trip, thing about adding a security system to your home away from home if you haven’t already.

Here's 5 ways an ADT Pulse system will keep your vacation home feeling like a vacation. 

Make sure you leave your vacation home well protected when you head back to reality this year. Click below and get a free quote to protect your sacred time away.


Get a Security System  Quote for Your Vacation Home

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Tags: ADT Pulse Security System, ADT Pulse Equipment and Packages, ADT Pulse Cameras