Holiday Safety Tips might feel a bit premature. However, if you've been to any retail establishments lately, you know that the retail Christmas is in full swing. Whether you are a fan of the early Christmas ambush or not, you've probably started planning your holiday travel plans and celebrations. While you are enjoying time with friends and family this season, remember that overall robbery rates, especially near retail stores jump up in December. Don't let your guard down too much! Step up your seasonal safety in these 4 areas so you and yours will have a holiday season full of nothing but cheer.
Safety Tips While Out and About

In parking lots, don't park next to vans or big cars that block people being able to see you. Abduction can happen by someone opening a van side door and pulling you in. Enter your car from the passenger side if need be. Look into downloading ADT's FREE Canopy App with Chaperone. It's free and you don't have to have ADT home security to have this app. Canopy lets you keep track of your friends and family so you can meet up or they can rescue you from a flat tire. Chaperone give you access to a live ADT agent that will stay on the phone with you anytime you are alone and don't want to be. Read more here.
Safety Tips Around the House
You have an awe inspiring tree. Your decorations should be featured in a Macy's window. So why not let the whole world admire them right? Well unfortunately, some of your admirers are going to be prowling thieves looking for a quick payoff. If you do leave your curtains drawn to show off decorations, keep your gifts out of sight! Your 3 year old can probably resist the shinny pretty boxes better than the local thief. Thieves won't hesitate to smash a window and make off with the advertised goods. You might also consider installing an ADT glass break sensor.
You also need to keep doors and windows locked. Even when you are home. The last thing you want is to end up face to face with a home intruder. Home invasion burglaries are increasing, so arm your security system to armed with no delay. If you don't know how, read Four Ways to Arm Your ADT Security System. Armed with no delay will sound an alarm the second a door or window is opened (just make sure you warn your family.) Also don't open the door to strangers. There is no rule that says you have to open the door to every sales person or lost soul. Stay safely on the inside of the door and a robber pretending to be the delivery guy can't push past you and into your home.
The holidays are also a great time to meet neighbors you have not met. Neighbors watching out for each other is a great safety net. Your neighbors should know what cars do and don't belong at your house and realize that the moving truck backed up to your front door isn't because you are moving. Read Community Safety and Social Media for tips on how to safeguard your community against crime in our increasingly mobile and fast paced world.
Safety Tips While Traveling
As exciting as it is to share you holiday plans with friends and family, don't use social media to communicate when you will and won't be home. As a matter of fact, check your smart phone for your geotagging settings, geotagging will attach your exact GPS location to your photos. You upload your photos and others can see exactly where you are without you saying a word. Read How to Disable Geotagging on Your Smart Phone to keep your where abouts private.
Don't forget to protect your home. Have lights and or televisions come on at random times to make it appear as if you are home. If you have ADT Pulse with home automation, you can easily set up a vacation mode to randomize lights and monitor other systems automatically. Read setting up modes for your ADT Pulse system for a "how-to" on modes. The holidays are a time you might also think about leaving a key out for friends or family. Don't do it! Burglars know the hiding places and will take advantage. You can protect your family with ADT Pulse Deadbolts that have many safety features and can be unlocked remotely if you need to let visitors in. Adding surveillance cameras to your system can also provide peace of mind letting you view streaming video of you home at all times.
You'll want to inform your home security company that you will be out of town and have your post office postpone mail delivery. You might even ask a neighbor to park one of their cars in your driveway. Using you can review and update your emergency contacts so you can always be reached. Read With and ADT Apps You are in Complete Control to brush up on remote access to your security system.
Safety Tips for Decorations and Festivities
Who doesn't love a festive decorated house? If you decorate with lights and you don't have exterior electrical outlet, consider having one installed. The average loss in a burglary is almost $2,000. Installing an electrical outlet is a bargain over a break in. A thief out looking for an easy target can see an open window with a cord run through it from quite a distance.
Christmas trees can be a big issue when not properly watered. There are about 230 Christmas tree fires every year and $18.3 million dollars in property damage. Then there's turkey fires. Nearly 4300 fires occur on Thanksgiving causing almost $27 million in property damage, the majority due to deep frying accidents. Fires are not the only hazard. Your furnace and chimney can emit carbon monoxide gases. Check your carbon monoxide and smoke detector batteries every season. ADT monitored fire and carbon monoxide detectors not only sounds an alarm to alert your family of these dangers, it communicates directly with the fire department so you home is protected even if you are not there.
Finally, after all your festivities and gift exchanging, absolutely do not stack all your empty boxes by the garbage. While burglars appreciate knowing what goodies await inside, your generosity should not extend to the neighborhood thief.
We hope you have the best holiday season yet, but while engulfed in the holiday spirit, be cognizant of your surroundings at all times. Utilize burglar alarms whey you are at home and away. Statistics show that homes without a security systems are 300 times more likely to be broken into so if you don't have a home security system, now might be the time to invest in one. The holidays should be the most wonderful time of the year so be sure to take steps to thoroughly enjoy the season.
To learn more about ways to stay safe with a home security system, or help your friends and family enjoy the peace of mind you have, give us a call today at 1-800-310-9490.
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Setting up Modes with your ADT Pulse System: